Friday, January 26, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
dinner with the 'uncle'
ok, gua akirnya kemaren malem pegi dinner sama dia. kata bokap gua sih, kita org mo makan dresto beken, tapi ternyata kita makan dipasar. untungnya dy bawa anaknya - namanya jo. umurnya 15 - anaknya mayan gaul. untung dia dibawa, klo ngak bisa garing. akhirnyapun, ps sampe dimobil, kita obrol soal belanja shopping and stuff. surprisingly, dinner went ok. considering everything that had happened before, i think dia udah ngerti where to draw the line kali ya? Kita pegi makan di kae macem pasar malem gitu deh, masakannya sederhana - cuma kayak campuran macem2, kari, kangkung, kacang tanah, ikan, lemon chicken. karna gua udah makan sebelom pegi, akhirnya gua makannya cuma sedikit aja koq. terus abis it diajak muter2 singapore city - beautiful. but as always, the conversation was about singaporeans and how the singaporean government always want to make more money - i guess the hot topic buat org yg berumur 50an kali ya? ya, begitu a ja sih nothing special happen - so i guess we got over it?
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Day 1-3 in Singapore
Nah, the Second day - gua pergi ke orchard's road. Gua ke gereja dan akhirny ajaibnya bertemu dengan mantan pacar gua. (Nothing happen okay? jgn mikir aneh2). Ya udh abis itu kita pergi makan deh, makan padang, jadi tuh kae nasi 1 mangkok dipakein kae sayuran lu pili aja - jadi kae nasi campur padang gitu. Right now makanan yg menurut gua paling enak cuma itu. kekekekekekeke, gua setiap hari cuma makan daging balado, kangkung balado sama kacang panjang dimasak pake cabe sama bakwan jagung. Yg laen gua males cobain. Nah ini tempatnya dibawah Takashimaya - banyak banget cemilan. Gua tiap kali ke Orchard, gua makan itu nasi padang, terus pas kelar gua minum jus DragonFruit terus abis itu beli Dorayaki. gilaa.. i love dorayakii itu enaknyaa amploppp - gua sellau beli yg bentuk ikan, actually itu namanya taiyaki. Terus abis itu,ada juga cemilan namanya "Old Chang Kee" ini jualan kae bakso2 goreng gitu2 deh, gua tuh paling suka makan sotong on a stick. Ahh.gilaa..mantappp gak ada duanya!!! Ada juga yg namanya Tori-Q. itu kaya Japanese Yakitori fast food chain, jadi tinggal pili mao yakitori model apa, terus dipaketin sama nasi sama saos bbq. anjrettzz..enak BO! Y.Y. Lalu hari itu bokap gua pegi ketemu "The UnCLE" masi inget kan itu - nah pas dia pegi, gua pergi jalan2 shopping deh.. akirna gua beli electric eyeslash curler, lipgloss, sepatu 2 pasang sama 1 tas sma OLAY whitening cream (kena sama advertising di majalah yg guwa beli shyit). Paling bete naik mRT - mRT itu gak kira2 banget, klo naik harus berjubel. selama 3 hari gu anaik itu gua gak pernah duduk tau ngak?@ kaki gua udah varisesan semua kaleee
Cai cieennn :3
On leaving Auckland to Singapore
Friday, January 19, 2007
Today, I'm leaving for Singapore at 1 am. As I've said about 3 times, I will be gone for 1 month and will be back, so dont leave this kitchen yahhh :), cuz I will write something while i'm there.
GB sebel sama guwa, karna guwa pegi sendirian tanpa dia dan meninggalkan dia sendiri. (><) Jadi berbeban berat nih (><).
Ya udah then, c u guys later :3
ciao bellas
Monday, January 15, 2007
Get a life
They call you lazy
You say your lookin for a job but nobody will pay me
You say you have a lot of time and your barely 23 years old
You live at home and you just need a little help
Put it off for a while but dont let it go
Get a get a get a life already make it on your own can you?
Get a get a get a life and maybe something better will come
You say your not the nine to five type you never could take it
You say you could have went to school but its too complicated
Now your runnin out of time and you're not 23 years old
You still at home and its too much anymore
Put it off for a while but your gettin old
Get a get a get a life already make it on your own can you?
Get a get a get a life and maybe something better will come
When you try"
- unfortunately, Mr Big split up a few years ago
Gah.. why are all guitarists so sexy?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
Day out at the Beach
Terus, pas kita sampe ke beach, si choco lgsg boker gitu kan, nah disini tuh peraturannya klo anjing boker harus diambil pake kantong plastik terus buang ke tong sampah. Biar kae melestarikan lingkungan and keeping it clean sort of thing. Si gb malahan ngajak si choco lari2, kae org kampungan. Akhirnya guwa ngejer2 dia kae org bego. Eh ndut, km ngak pernah ngajak anjing lari ya? (>D). keke, btw, ini ada banyak foto 1 laki2 dan 1 anjing yg 2-2nya sama kampungannya lagi berkeliaran di pantai. >D (yg profil cewek itu exception - soale dy org keren >D)
Tadinya kita mau lamaan di sana sambil makan eskrim movenpick, tapi berhubung lagi dingin banget... gua males angin2an gitu, ntr pulang2 penuh gas perutnya. LoL, akhirnya kita bersepakat mau nyuci mobil ajahh - di "Rub a Dub, Vehicle Wash". Si choco ditinggalin didalam mobil kan pas kita diluar gosok2 mobil, si choco yg kae gonggong2 gak jelas, ketakutan gitu disemprotin aer mobilnya *Claustrophobic*?. Itu begituan mahal juga ya, self service car wash abis kae $NZ12. Belom ditambah Vaccuuming which is an additional $NZ2, padahal klo dirumah gratis lo. Akhirnya, itu mobil FTO yg tadinya dekil and the kumel jadi mengkilap kinclong abis. Ya uda, abis itu kita pulang dee.. soale ntr si choco klo kelamaan main pulang2 suka muntah.. dan karna dia cuma tidurnya sama guwa.. ntr dia muntah diranjang guwa.. T.T oh tidaakk...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
As I got older, I realised that there are many things in this world that I would like to be which I've never thought about before entering university. I realised that in life you can't just stick to one thing, you have to develop your other talents and learn to enjoy your life. I also realised that once you finished university, everything can change - your relationships with your loved ones, your parents, your friends. They're not the same as they used to be at least 4 years ago when I just started university. I thought that friendships would last, lovers would last forever - but that's trully not the case. Things can change, friendships that you made during that period can fade away. lovers can suddenly want different things from each other and again can fade away. And we all thought that university was boring, but i guess working is even worse. Not to mention the fact that you have to learn to be able to support yourself.
Well, that's why I'm writing about dreams today - I think it's nice to have some sort of hobbies. It's nice to have something you enjoy doing and to fall back on to if your day had been bad. Anyway, I wanna learn how to play the guitar, I wanna take up violin again, I wanna learn the piano or may be write my own music. I wanna learn how to paint and cook.. everything that can make me happy even without the help of anyone else. You can rob a man of everything he has, but you can't rob the thing he loves doing the most.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Geeks Guide to Cooking Corned Beef Omelette (Alias Telor Goreng pake Kornet)
Is your pantry empty? Are you hungry? Are you broke and can't afford to eat out? Why not try my simple recipe?
You just need 2 tablespoons full of corned beef, 2 eggs, 2 cloves of garlic and shallots (bawang merah) sliced.
- add little amount of oil,heat up, sautee garlic and shallots until floppy and brown
- add in the corned beef, sautee further for 3 minutes, add in pepper and salt
- take a bowl, crack the eggs, lightly beat it, add in the corned beef back to the eggs
- add a little bit more oil in the pan, let it heat up, pour in the egg and corned beef mixture
- fry each side for 2 minutes for crispy coating :)
- enjoy with bread or rice, i honestly prefer rice :P
The Geeks Guide to fast, simple and easy cooking
Heyall! Hows it going? I've had this idea of writing recipes for people like me who cant cook. Well I'm a baker and because of that, I cant really cook proper food to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Even if I do try, they dont taste as great cuz I end up mixing everything up. Anyway, I'm going to start this series of " The Geeks Guide to simple cooking" targeting young people especially students out there who can't be bothered or have the time to prepare complicated food. I hope y'all enjoy this and can make good use of it okay? ^^ (I know Elly will :P)
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
My New Years Resolution
Hey all, well although my new years eve wasn't so enthusiastic, none the less I spent some time thinking about my new years resolution for 2007. To think back from 2006, I think I've managed to pull myself together and and achieve the things that I thought was impossible. Okay, to flash back, I don't think I have very many bad things that happened to me last year. Starting off 2006, I was able to get into Honours, which I never even thought I would be able to - since my marks weren't all that great. Then, honours year went off smoothly and I did very well at the end of the year. That's another big achievement. Then, I got my learners driving licence which I had procrastinated 4 years before getting it. I learnt how to drive, until I could run on the motorway and I got a job to support myself during the year (Although now i'm jobless). Finally, I got myself together and thought a lot about what I want in my life. That's the biggest accomplishment of all I think. So here are my new years resolution for 2007
- get a fulltime day job
- plan my financial plan sorted and stick to it
- get a car
- get my restricted licence
- exercise more regularly: yoga, swimming and walking
- eat properly
- try to control my emotion more
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Years!
HaPpY New Years y'all from me who happens to experience the first of new years sunlight! Hope that you all have made your new years resolution!