Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Geeks Guide to fast, simple and easy cooking

Heyall! Hows it going? I've had this idea of writing recipes for people like me who cant cook. Well I'm a baker and because of that, I cant really cook proper food to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Even if I do try, they dont taste as great cuz I end up mixing everything up. Anyway, I'm going to start this series of " The Geeks Guide to simple cooking" targeting young people especially students out there who can't be bothered or have the time to prepare complicated food. I hope y'all enjoy this and can make good use of it okay? ^^ (I know Elly will :P)


Anonymous said...




ahhh sayah jadi maluuu *blush*

Anonymous said...

That was MY IDEA.

Unknown said...

"I cant really cook proper food to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner"

Somehow I highly doubt that...

Angie said...

HAHAHAHA.. no, seriously, I cant cook proper food.. i can only do baking and sweet things.. I'm terrible in cooking real food. HOw are you btw? havent heard from you in a long time.. how was your holiday?