Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Geeks Guide to Cooking Corned Beef Omelette (Alias Telor Goreng pake Kornet)

Is your pantry empty? Are you hungry? Are you broke and can't afford to eat out? Why not try my simple recipe?

You just need 2 tablespoons full of corned beef, 2 eggs, 2 cloves of garlic and shallots (bawang merah) sliced.

  • add little amount of oil,heat up, sautee garlic and shallots until floppy and brown
  • add in the corned beef, sautee further for 3 minutes, add in pepper and salt
  • take a bowl, crack the eggs, lightly beat it, add in the corned beef back to the eggs
  • add a little bit more oil in the pan, let it heat up, pour in the egg and corned beef mixture
  • fry each side for 2 minutes for crispy coating :)
  • enjoy with bread or rice, i honestly prefer rice :P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SAY2, biasa gw klo bikin omelet (alias telor kocok) kaga pake bawang2an

daging nya aja yg seabrek abrek *karnivor sejati