Saturday, September 30, 2006

Roti Boy: Coffee Bread

hei hei hei.. finally i've baked!! ^^ Roti rasa kopi nih!! ^^ Cuma bentuknya beda aja!! hehe..klo ada yg pengen resepnya... bilang ya.. ntr gua upload!! ^^ terus hari ini dapet pesenan lapis legit.. hehe.. seneng nih!! ^^ moga2 aja ya suka... customer pertama!! ^^

*Updated.. berhubung pada banyak yg minta resep roti boi..gini lho buatnya:

Bahan A:
500 gram tepung terigu protein tinggi
220 ml air putih
11 gram ragi instan
2 butir telur
25 gram susu bubuk

Bahan B:
75 salted butter
1 sdt garam

Bahan Topping :
75 gram unsalted butter
100 g tepung gula
1 sdm kopi instan
1 butir telur
75 gram tepung terigu protein rendah
20 gram susu bubuk
¼ sdt essence coffenoir

Cara membuat:
-Campurkan semua bahan A, ulenin hingga kalis. Masukkan bahan B, aduk dan ulenin hingga rata dan elastis.
- Bulatkan adonan, diamkan 30 menit.
- Kempiskan adonan, buat timbang @ 60 gram, pipihkan, isi dengan butter, bulatkan kembali. Diamkan 45 menit.
- Topping : Kocok mentega, tepung gula, dan kopi instant sampai lembut, masukkan telur, kocok merata. Masukkan tepung terigu dan susu bubuk dengan cara di
ayak. Terakhir masukkan essence coffenoir, kocok hingga rata.
- Semprotkan adonan topping ke atas adonan roti dengan plastik segitiga (tambahan : bentuk melingkar seperti obat nyamuk bakar dari puncak roti sampai 3/4 ke
- Panggang dengan suhu 160 derajat celcius selama kurleb 10-15 menit.

Nah.. slamat mencoba yaa ^^

Friday, September 29, 2006

Update on this garlic face

Finally - after 3 days of garlic injury, my face is starting to heal. I had been taking antibiotics and steroid lotion which is really awesome. I dont think there will be any scar. Thank goodness!!! :)

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Celebrating Lolita's kitchen's 999th Hit

Woot!! I want to celebrate the 999th Hit on this blog!! Makasih ya buat supportnya semua sampe sekarang :3.. hopefully this blog continues to become a nice place to chill in. V ^^ V

a little face mishap

Hari kemaren pas gua graduation - i did something that's really really really really really stupid... yg benernya merusak hari graduation gua.. Hix :( the night before I found a big pimple on my face and I decided to take the advice that rubbing garlic on the infected area can the pimple. TAPI: gua taronya 1 slice of garlic (untung bukan satu bonggol) terus gua secure in place on top of the pimple pake tensoplas... gile abis.. :( pagi2 gua bangun.. pipi gua kayak kebakar gitu dan banyak blisternya.. wuih sakit lagi.. pas gua mandi terus gua liat dikaca.. itu blister udah gede banget..akirnya pecah.. gua sangking stresnya.... sampe blackout gitu pas lagi mandi - akirnya gua tiduran deh dilantai kamar mandi sampe gua regain consciousness. Sedih deh.. pas graduation.. cuma pink gitu warnanya.. pas gua kelar graduation - udah.. bernanah.. HUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sedih banget :( :( :( i feel so hopeless.. like I cant do anything to fix it. pas keluar - gua langsung nangis2 gak jelas gitu, terus dianterin gilburt ke dokter, di dokternya.. gua nangis lagi... (LoL..jadi malu dah)... skrng belom sembuh juga.. doain yaaah.. biar kagak bertanda.. :( :( :( :( :(

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mojito: Bacardi

Hmmm ... magnifico!
Woot.. wazzupp y'all!! Since.. I'm a little bit in some sort of cocktail frenzy... here's another recipe for an awesome drink.
  • 6 - 8 cl white rum (I used Bacardi)
  • juice of 1 lime
  • soda water
  • mint
  • 2 - 3 teaspoons of (brown) sugar

Put sugar on the bottom of the glass and muddle with mint leaves. Add lime juice and crushed ice. Stir. Add crushed ice to fill about half of the glass. Add rum. Stir some more. Add used lime hull for garnish. Add more ice and top with soda water.

Not much soda is needed, crushed ice will add water while it melts. Garnish with a mint sprig and serve with two straws.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Hirai Ken - Karawke Bareng yukkkKkk

Bosen? Bete? Kesel? Sebel? Mending Karawke bareng2! ikutin gayanya ya, gak bole curang lho!


karena waktu projek aku udah mo kelar, skripsi harus disubmit, aku ngak sempet baking dan masak-masak.. dan..aku kangen baking.. hikx hikx hikx hikx hikx hikx hikx hikx hikx hikx Seddiiihhhh :( :( :(

Relationships - taking friendship to a whole new level

Yg pernah pacaran.. ataw lagi pacaran... pasti tau klo berhubungan ma orang lain tuh ngak gampang. Sumpah deh, kadang2 bisa bikin pusing 7 keliling. Gua ngak yakin klo ada really happy couple that are really just happy without any efforts - i think a couple is happy because they want to work their relationships. Especially klo pacarannya udah lama, kae gua ma gb - things can get really boring (for whatever reason) but if you have decided you want to work things out with a certain someone, semua problem yg elo hadapin does not mean you've reached the end of your relationship, malahan it's like taking the both of you and your relationship to a brand new level. The analogy is like buka kado ulang taun yg udah dibungkus pake kertas berlapis2 (lu tau kan, pasti ada deh temen2 lu yg suka kasih kado tapi dibungkusnya itu kae berpuluh2 kertas koran la, kertas putih la, trus luarnya kertas kado), setiap masalah tuh kayak ngupas 1 lembaran dari puluhan kertas lainnya before we get to the real present - bener deh... :) Gua belajar aja biar ngak cepet putus asa buat ngadepin masalah yg gede ataw yg kecil, karna dimana2 klo ada kemawan dikedua pihak dan komunikasi pasti bisa :) Ganbatte yah buat yg lain :)

Pengen NgeKossss!!!

Happy Weekend People :3 remember to smile like garfield here!!
Hello Hello... abis nginep dirumah evi.. selama dua malem berturut2.. gua menyadari klo gua bener2 pengen idup mandiri en sendiri. Since this is my last year in university - it means that gua bisa kerja dan berpenghasilan...and artinya.. gua bisa pindahan dari rumah!! wooot senangnya.... even if i end up having to work two jobs.. i think i'd still love to live by myself - or at least flatting with my friends.. kyaa..menyenangkannyaaaaaa!!!! What do y'all think - yg udah pada ngak tinggal ma kuarga? Well..not to mention.. hubungan antara bonyok gua jg pasti jauh lebih mendingan - soalnya skrng gua sering ribut.. kekekeke.. besides, bokap gua udah tua - masak dia mo kerja terus.. dan gua skula terus.. yg bener aja! Y.Y he still has my sister to support.. So bottomline is, i'm moving out of my parent's house once i get a job. gua juga pengen sih bisa dapet overseas experience diluar New Zealand gitu before I do anything further in the heirarchy of Academic education.

Also, kemaren gua abis baca buku namanya "rich women" by Kim Kiyosaki - itu istrinya Robert Kiyosaki yg tulis "Rich dad, Poor Dad". Man... I am now really really motivated to open my own business and invest. Afterall, it's much nicer to work for yourself and you be the boss.. rather than working for someone else and letting them be the boss right? Well.. right now, I havent really decided what it is i want to do, but we all have to keep a positive attitude towards our life and our future and our career.. dont you reckon? Asal kita mau bayar harga dan serius nekunin bisnis kita ini. waa..gua excited banget nih!!! Y.Y anyway,i will talk more later.. skrng gua masih di laboratory.. experiment AGAIN and hari ini.. hari SABTU. Y.Y. Ciao then.. love you all!! Mwahh

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

5 Things To Eat Before You Die

Mba Rhita had tagged me to list 5 top things i would want to eat before I die.. lol.. and as many people would agree with me - WHy Five?!!!!!!!! .. I have like a hundred metres list of all the food that can tickle my taste buddd.. but..This is actually a little project that's being done by many food bloggers around the world to make a global food guide for travelers :) Anyway.. so this is my list:

1. Nasi Padang:Sari Bundo - I would die to eat satu bungkus lagi of nasi padang yg isinya daon singkong, sambel ijo, rendang, ayam pop, dendeng balado dibungkus pake kertas, dikaretin, dimakan pas anget pake kerupuk putihhhhh.. wuiiiiiiihhhhhhhhhh sedeeepp abiisssssssss KYAAA.. Indonessiaaa.. I miss youuu :3

2. Ayam goreng Sukabumi pake lalap sama sambel cobek: Located in a little Restaurant in Cipanas. uhh seneng banget deh pokoke - reminds me of my beautiful childhood

3. Kue Jongkong: terdapat dipasar2 yg dijual mbo2.. ahh kangenn bangettttt gue suka itu banget banget banget

4. Sate manado yg super pedes, super segala macem, super duper yummy: I first had this in Ria's House when she celebrated her birthday.. oh dear god.. i've never eaten anything.. anybetter than.. that.. KYAAA.. I LOVE FOOODDD :3

5. Chinese Waffles: First ate this waffle cake thing in Lantern's Festival 2005 - Damn, it's nice man..

I wish there is more to just 5 things to say, but I'd be Happy to eat the 5 things before I die... :P Anyway, I've tagged this to the following people:

  • Mami Potter

  • My Sister: Irene

  • Ronn

  • Sherly
  • Tuesday, September 19, 2006

    Strawberry and Peach Cocktail Drink

    On Saturday, me, GB, Evie and Ferry went out to town to a small cozy place called Corner Bar. Evie had margarita, Ferry and GB had a bottle of Heineken each and.. I.... was confused. So, I just sat there and wondered all along what it is I should be drinking since they didn't have a cocktail menu ( the bartender basically said - "we'll make whatever you can think of" and when he said that.. I was even more confused) So, finally.. Ferry went over to the bartender to ask for his recommendation for me, and so the bartender called me over to the bench with this really really loud voice until everybody in that bar laid their eyes on me!! - (yaaa ketawan deeeehh gua gak berpengalaman soal beginiannnn :( *malluuuaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*. Then when he had everybody looking at me, he asked what it is I prefer more: sweet or sour tasting. I told him, i like it just right - not too sweet and not too sour and i told him no coconut flavoured liquor cuz i hate nothing but the taste of artifical coconut mixed with fruit.. eee yuckkk!!! Y.Y .. Then, he quickly whipped a drink.. that was beautiful! and i've never tasted anything like it, and i happened to just remember what it is he puts inside that little cocktail glass :P

    • 1 ripe peach or nectarine (mashed with this wooden stick)
    • 2 shots of bacardi
    • 1 bottle of peach archers
    • strawberry sauce
    • ice
    He first crushed the nectarine with this baseball-bat-only-smaller-thing, added the bacardi and topped it all off peach archers, added some ice into his shaking cocktail mixer and he shaked them all like mad and poured it into the cocktail glass that has been decorated with strawberry sauce.. aaaa enaaakknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... cobain lho.. dijamin seneng :3

    PS: sorry yah, ngak ada picture.. abisnya kemaren gua lupa poto.. udah keenakan minum sama ngobrol.. Life's good man :P

    Tuesday, September 12, 2006

    Snow Skin MoonCake Galore - Step by Step

    Snow Skin Mooncake is very very easy to make, even for a beginner like myself - I could get nice cakes at the end! If you just bought your mould, it is necessary for you to season this mould with canola oil for 5 days as shown below. I have blocked the air holes with Blue Tac so that the Oil dont leak out from the mould. Then wash it with warm water and soap and dry it in a cool dry place. Then before use, sprinkle with some flour. Then, after use, wash it again in cold water and clean the insides with a toothpic, making sure that nothing is left behind, once dried, wrap it in a piece of cloth and store in the cupboard ready for use in the next mooncake season.
    Seasoning in Oil (5days)
    • 200 g cooked glutinous rice
    • 100 g of icing sugar
    • 50 g of shortening or margerine
    • 200 mL of cold water
    • Pandan essense
    • Lotus Paste (you can buy this ready made in asian grocery stores)
    Step By Step Moon Cakes
    1. Add in all ingredients together and knead with hands until it forms a smooth and soft surface, then make it into 6 portions depending the size of your mould. THis recipe yields 5 large mooncakes. Then as pictured, place the ball of snow kin on a piece of plastic glad wrap.
    2. Then, cover with another plastic wrap on top and flatten with a rolling pin
    3. Open the plastic wrap on top and place a rounded portion of the lotus paste in the middle of the flattened skin
    4. Wrap it all over
    5. Make sure all is covered and rounded perfectly
    6. Sprinkle some of the glutinous flour on the mould
    7. Place the ball of cake into the mould and press with your thumb
    8. Bang on the kitchen bench until the cake comes out of the mould
    My Pretty Babies

    Sunday, September 10, 2006

    Colour Me Pretty Cake

    Hmm.. ada yg inget bolu panggang ngak? Kalo diindo kuenya pasti warna warni, ngak ntr yg merah ngejreng, ijo highlight ataw biru.. Buat guwe yg jauh dari tanah air tercinta.. the closest I can get to that is this - bolu lapis panggang warna warni, enak deehh.. persis banget sama org2 yg jualan kue dipasar.

    • 7 telur
    • 120 g gula (klo pengen lebi manis tambain aja)
    • 200 g tepung terigu (klo bisa protein rendah ataw standard plain flour)
    • 100 mL santen + 50 mL minyak sayur
    • Pewarna: merah ama ijo
    • Kocok telur ama gula selama 30-40 menit sampe kaku dan warnanya putih
    • masukkan tepung terigu yg udah diayak lalu dicampur dengan "folding" - pengocokan adonan tidak cepat karna bisa membuat udara dari telur yg dikocok tadi utk escape
    • masukkan santen + minyak sayur dan "fold" lagi
    • Pisahkan jadi 3 bagian: 2 bagian dicampurkan masing2 merah dan ijo
    • Lalu panggang dalam cetakan yg udah diberikan mentega sedikit
    • Bagian putih dulu - panggang selama 7 menit dalam oven 150C
    • Masukkan bagian merah - panggang lagi selama 7 menit
    • Masukkan bagian hijau - panggang lagi selama 7 menit
    • Lalu, tutup atasnya dengan foil, panggang lagi semuanya selama 10 menit
    • Lalu keluarkan, dan dinginkan deh

    Chicken Fried Rice Wrapped in Fried Eggs

    Since I'm currently crazy about Japanese dramas - I'm also currently crazy about Japanese food and food presentation - particularly bento boxes, cuz I always take lunch with me when I go to uni and sometimes.. the food i bring is not so appealing and I end up buying something. So this is something I made for my dad b/c he was sick of bringing curry for 3 consecutive days, and since he's really diet conscious, I made him a healthy lunch instead :). I got this recipe from this book that i snitched off GB's mum. LoL.. it's really pretty and colourful :3 This recipe will be enough for two people.

    Chicken Fried Rice (time to make, less than 10 minutes)
    • half a chicken breast
    • 1 c of peas
    • 1/2 onion diced into small pieces
    • 1 clove of garlic
    • 1 1/2 plate of rice
    • salt and pepper to season
    • Sautee garlic and onion in 1 tblspoon of olive oil
    • add in chicken breast, and sautee further until it changes colour
    • add in rice
    • add in peas
    • and season
    • set aside
    Egg wrap:
    • 3 eggs - whisk in a bowl, add alittle bit of milk
    • pour half of the egg mixture into a wide pan that has been heated up with some oil
    • spread around the pan so it takes up a lot of area, and leave until cooked
    • place half of the rice into the fried egg and wrap it around, place it into your lunch box
    • do the same for the rest of the fried rice
    • Green beans and Carrots: Boil it for 2 minutes in boiling water and alittle bit of sugar, salt and vinegar. Drain and blanch with cold water - dry it and place it in the lunch box
    • Put some tomato or bbq sauce ontop
    • sliced Fried Tofu pockets that is often used for inari sushi

    Green Tea Pops

    PoP Star Pop Star

    Hmm this is a very nice dessert if you're like Gilburt that really likes jelly and in addition to that, it's nice for those that don't really like sweet things - cuz you can alter the sugar levels just the way you like it - and they're especially nice when it comes to sweaty nights and thirsty throats. The jelly is poured ontop of the cake, so it's really beneficial if you have those muffin tins - if not, a big cake tin is fine as well...

    Green Tea Cake:
    (Please look at my chiffon cake recipe, also add 2 teaspoon of greentea powder into the milk)

    then, place 1-2 tblspoon of the cake batter into ungreased muffin tins and bake in 150 for 15 minutes, take out from oven and flip the tin upside down and have it supported by two cups for about half an hour. Once all is cooled, remove the cakes from the muffin tins, wash the tins with soapy water and rinse thoroughly to remove any residual cake crumbs on the sides of the tins and also dry the tins thorougly. (This is necessary for this cake if you dont have a lot of muffin tins so that the jelly will be easily and cleanly removed from the tins once the jelly sets). Then, put back the cakes back into the muffin tins ready for the jelly mixture

    Yolk Flavoured Jelly:
    You can get these kind of jellies in asian supermarkets. I used half a packet of the egg yolk jelly for about 15 small cakes like this. Cook it as the instructions and let it cool for 10 minutes before putting it ontop of the cakes. Put it in the fridge and let the jelly set before eating :3.


    Konnichiwa! :) O genki desu ka?
    Hmm.. it's been a while after I write in here - well.. I've been busy watching Japanese Dramas in the past few weeks.. It's like you're addicted to it and you cant stop!! If anybody knows good japanese or korean dramas - please let me know, so I can download more! (Mwahahahaah)

    Nothing special really happened in my life - only to find that my supervisor kind of hinted that I should probably do PhD. Seriously, i'm in a major dilemma - cuz i dont know if science is really what i want to do. I've been doing serious soul searching and I have come to the conclusion that I want to try to be independent in the next year (i.e. live in a different country to them). Cuz, sometimes it feels like i'm living a life the way my parents want me to live. (i.e. graduate - and work work work and study in between and then work work again to have a great career) But i've realised that I'm not that type of person. hehehe.. and I don't want to live under their supervision anymore, I wanna do my own thing without being told off all the time. On the other hand, I still have my heart stuck on doing medicine - even when so many people try to put me off it, I always come back to it. I think it's because it's so interesting to meet so many different people and talk to them even if they come to see you with the flu. With the bachelor i'm doing right now - I dont talk to anybody!!! Cuz you just practically work with cells Y.Y oh dear lord.. I cant imagine a career in this.. The more I think of it, I think i just want to be a voluntary worker in a local orphanage or something, I think i'm happier doing that than doing the stuff that my current degree has to offer. I ask again, is this what they call with the quarter life crisis? (Y.Y)

    Anyway, enough of me! :P here are some pictures of elmo eating my mum's cactus plant V(^^)V