Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Strawberry and Peach Cocktail Drink

On Saturday, me, GB, Evie and Ferry went out to town to a small cozy place called Corner Bar. Evie had margarita, Ferry and GB had a bottle of Heineken each and.. I.... was confused. So, I just sat there and wondered all along what it is I should be drinking since they didn't have a cocktail menu ( the bartender basically said - "we'll make whatever you can think of" and when he said that.. I was even more confused) So, finally.. Ferry went over to the bartender to ask for his recommendation for me, and so the bartender called me over to the bench with this really really loud voice until everybody in that bar laid their eyes on me!! - (yaaa ketawan deeeehh gua gak berpengalaman soal beginiannnn :( *malluuuaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*. Then when he had everybody looking at me, he asked what it is I prefer more: sweet or sour tasting. I told him, i like it just right - not too sweet and not too sour and i told him no coconut flavoured liquor cuz i hate nothing but the taste of artifical coconut mixed with fruit.. eee yuckkk!!! Y.Y .. Then, he quickly whipped a drink.. that was beautiful! and i've never tasted anything like it, and i happened to just remember what it is he puts inside that little cocktail glass :P

  • 1 ripe peach or nectarine (mashed with this wooden stick)
  • 2 shots of bacardi
  • 1 bottle of peach archers
  • strawberry sauce
  • ice
He first crushed the nectarine with this baseball-bat-only-smaller-thing, added the bacardi and topped it all off peach archers, added some ice into his shaking cocktail mixer and he shaked them all like mad and poured it into the cocktail glass that has been decorated with strawberry sauce.. aaaa enaaakknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... cobain lho.. dijamin seneng :3

PS: sorry yah, ngak ada picture.. abisnya kemaren gua lupa poto.. udah keenakan minum sama ngobrol.. Life's good man :P


Anonymous said...

Enjei...mari kita ke corner's bar lage!! aahahaha gw mau minum...ahahaha. itu minuman sumpah enak bgt.

Angie said...

eviana.. lu kalo tulis comment pake nama napa? hehehehehehehe