Relationships - taking friendship to a whole new level
Yg pernah pacaran.. ataw lagi pacaran... pasti tau klo berhubungan ma orang lain tuh ngak gampang. Sumpah deh, kadang2 bisa bikin pusing 7 keliling. Gua ngak yakin klo ada really happy couple that are really just happy without any efforts - i think a couple is happy because they want to work their relationships. Especially klo pacarannya udah lama, kae gua ma gb - things can get really boring (for whatever reason) but if you have decided you want to work things out with a certain someone, semua problem yg elo hadapin does not mean you've reached the end of your relationship, malahan it's like taking the both of you and your relationship to a brand new level. The analogy is like buka kado ulang taun yg udah dibungkus pake kertas berlapis2 (lu tau kan, pasti ada deh temen2 lu yg suka kasih kado tapi dibungkusnya itu kae berpuluh2 kertas koran la, kertas putih la, trus luarnya kertas kado), setiap masalah tuh kayak ngupas 1 lembaran dari puluhan kertas lainnya before we get to the real present - bener deh... :) Gua belajar aja biar ngak cepet putus asa buat ngadepin masalah yg gede ataw yg kecil, karna dimana2 klo ada kemawan dikedua pihak dan komunikasi pasti bisa :) Ganbatte yah buat yg lain :)
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