Monday, June 26, 2006

Finally! Merdeka!!

So... i FINALLY finished my assignments.. akhirnyaaa! and as usual.. to release stress... i always end up making some sort of food.. lol.. and nampaknya lagi demen banget sama bikin bakpao... mgkn karna disni lagi dingin2..jadi yg enak itu makan bakpao yg lgsg kuar dari kukusan. hahaha.. anyway.. here are some pictures :P actually.. ini setengah dibuat mantau, setengah dibuat roti... sih.. it's the plain.. no filling.. :P tebak aja which one is which! yg bener dapet mantau!

Hm.. terus.. ada org yg dulu bekas kerja di lab gua.. dapet scholarship PHD ke australie.. well she went back during the last 2 weeks and visited us!! hm... sklian ya.. gua tambain some pix okie?. hihi

(from left to right: Rex, Judy, Stephanie (the girl i spoke of before), then me, Betina, Ally)

Sekian dulu dunia dalam berita.. now..i need to go to sleep.. karna besok harus menempuh another day in a nerd's life (apa siy? garing). ciao

Friday, June 23, 2006

Can't hardly wait Chiffon

I'm practically itching... itching to bake cakes! It's just that i feel guilty when i do bake it and i realise i have a more important thing to do (read = assignment). Well... my next assignment, i wanna try to make chiffon cake. What makes chiffon cakes so special? It's the fact that you never use butter in it, instead it needs well aired egg whites to make it rise..almost like sponge cake, but sponge cakes uses butter. The nice thing is that the texture stays so soft and pliable (almost elastic), and it's sort of similar to bolu ( i bet you grow up eating this - wahai teman2 indonesiaku) and it stays the way it is for up to several days.

Now, the key to success of making a chiffon cake is pouring the cake mix straight into the pan that has not been brushed with butter or lined with baking paper. Then, it's important to turn the pan over up side down immediately after it's cooked. This process prevents the cake from sinking half its original size (and jadi bantet) by keeping the pores of the cakes open as it cools down.

Plain Classic Chiffon cake

Here's what you need for a classic chiffon cake (although it's always possible that you add bits and pieces of your favorite flavours like chocolate, pandan paste, green tea, cheese... you name it, you can certainly add at the end of the mixing process):

Ingredients (for a small cake, you can always double this recipe for a bigger cake)
  • 75 g flour
  • 12.5 g of corn flour
  • 60 g of caster sugar
  • 90 ml of fresh milk
  • 40 ml of cooking oil
  • a pinch of salt
  • 3 egg yolks
  • Mix all of the ingredient above with low power mixer
  • Set aside
  • beat the rest of the 3 egg whites until stiff while adding 30 g of sugar bit by bit
  • take the egg yolk mix and fold in with the egg white mixture slowly until it is all mixed, preferebly using a plastic spatula.
  • Pour the mixture into a chiffon cake pan (shown in picture) that hasn't been brushed with butter or lined with baking paper.
  • Bake for 45 minutes in an oven that has been preheated to 170C
  • by the end of the 45 minutes, check the cake using a skewer stick to see if it's ready
  • if stick comes out wet, then bake again for an additional 5 minutes.
  • Take out from the oven, and turn it up side down (put a bottle in the hole in the neck of the pan) till completely cooled down
  • Release from the pan using a sharp knife
  • Serve

Updated*: i tried again.. but failed ><".....
Updated **: i have succeeded! horeeeeeee!!! setelah dicoba 5x baru jadi deh kuenya (liat yah.. ada diatas fotonya (hmm..i think it's the next two entries.. look at it for urself!!! :P)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Funny what this cat says... hahahahaha, hmm some people are naturally stressed but they never realise it. mirip2 sama temen gua yg ada di tempat gua kerja. sigh.. dia anak kedokteran.. dan nyebelinnya dy pikir dy paling pinter satu dunia. gua benci abez..pengen gue tampol tau gak. Ceritanya, dia sama gua dikelas yg sama, bikin tugas juga tugas yg lumayan mirip, dan sejujurnya tugasnya emang agag susah sih.. nah..nyebelinnya... temen gua (panggil aja yah..namanya X).. dia tanya sama gua... gua bisa ngak tugasnya soalnya dia ngak bisa karna dia anak kedokteran dan ngak pernah belajar skill2 buat kerja di laboratory (whereas gua kan emang bljr beginian), dia tanya gua.. pendapat gua buat analisis satu area gitu. yah gua bilang aja pendapat gua dan sepengetahuan gua .. eh.. dia yg lgsg emosi..katanya gua belon pernah baca literature (definisi: ini klo bljr research, banyak study2 yg dikerjain ma org, trus dipublish gitu... jd buat org yg mo lanjutin researchnya ttg sesuatu bisa baca study2 yg udah dikerjain org2 laen dulu2). Ya jelas gua pernah baca lah.. org gua jg buat assignment gitu.. trus dia yg bilang katanya dia yakin smwa org bakalan dapet jelek! mampoez.. gua benci bgt! kenapa smwa org kedokteran pasti aneh2.. somepeople say "a little rough around the edges". bukan rough lagi kalek! emang aneh.. -.-; sigh..

Saturday, June 17, 2006

The world I live in

I live in a warm house in East of Auckland (NZ), with my parents, my sister (Irene) and my rabbit (Elmo) . When we first got Elmo, we thought that she was a he, well just cuz the shop keeper said so. But, one time, we brought her to the vet, and she said that Elmo is actually a she.. so from then on, we kept on calling her "good girl" instead of "good boy", which we had done so for more than a year!! The funny thing about her is that cuz she lives with human (us) and no other rabbits, she's become quite restricted and individualised. our neighbour had bought a rabbit for their son since they thought rabbits are good pets (really they are!). anyway, so I took elmo and let her play in Lucy (my neighbour's rabbit) play pen. Hm... apart from Lucy starting to hump on her (lesbian rabbits?!! nah..i suspect that LUcy's a male rabbit. lol!) , she didnt really interact much with her fellow being. Funny huh?

This is me. hahahahahaha.. Yeah, i have small eyes and big smile. haahahaha.. i'm currently doing my Honours degree in Biomedical Science (this is not equivalent to medicine!!! more like research based. hm.. not that i really wanna be a researcher..but hey.. its a whollota skill that you learn!) If you ask me what it is i wanna do with my life.. that's the biggest question that i have yet to find an answer. but what i kno for sho is that.. i love cooking, talking, and blogging! hm.. Why do i like to cook, at my age of mere 20 (Ok, i'll be officially 20 in August) - That i dont know either.. i've tried to find the answers for many years, but i guess i just like to make people happy by providing food LoL! weird huh?? Dont ask me how this is correlated, because frankly, i dont know. kyaa... Hm.. i like talking because that's how i express myself. i like blogging because, i always find weird ideas or thoughts which i dont always get to share with people (kyaa! hahahahaha).

Gilbert - ( like the rugby ball name), aka. Lordbulb aka. Gayboy aka. My Significant other.. is like a human sized parasite that wonders around in my tree of life. Why i describe him as this.. because..this is what he would describe me as. hahahaha... He's a hardcore musician. Just recently took up interest in buying a vintage guitar.. by the legendary Jimmy Hendrix (The Grand Father of all Vintage music.... i can go on talking about this.. so i'd better stop). He's also a computer scientist..which consists most of his days making fishy plans on hacking anything he gets his hands on.

This is my longest known friend - Wenny! people always say that we look a like. I just dont see how that can happen -.-;. I have known this girl from when i was 6 years old (in Indonesia, that's like primary class 1 - SD kelas 1) , so that's like 14 years of friendship!! Long Record!!?!! . Oh, yeah I forgot to say that I'm Indonesian. LoL. well now u know!! the thing with her is that we've never really been in the same class, and now, not in the same country.. but we've always been good friends. I even told her that we're like born for each other lol. (She betta think the same way too!!!). She's currently doing medicine! ciayo ya! cepet lulus low! kekekekeke

Bishma, i've known her eversince i was in highschool (I mean, secondary Highschool). She comes from Sri lanka, but she grew up in Papua New Guinea!!! isnt that amazing!! So, she's quite multicultural! This picture is with her boyfriend, Dave. I think they look good together.. i told her that if she has babies with him, their babies are gonna be soo beautiful (eur-lankian (european + sri lankan). She is currently doing her last year in her Bacherlors in Pharmacy and she lives in Dunedin! She loves to cook too! i told her that one day we're gonna have to publish a recipe book together called "Cooking for the dumbs" kekekekeke.

Then, there's Eviana... huahauhaua.. this girl i've known from my first days of my Bachelors degree!! Good to know her! She's my partner in crime! huahuahuahua.. she also loves food! and.. she's Indo-maniac! if you talk about indo to her.. She'll be lyk "KYAAAAAA!!!! I WANNA GO BACK" *sigh..the story of ANAK PERANTAU *overseas student* huahuahua.. hm.. I spend quite a lot of nights watching korean DVDs, making noodles.. and making weird things, drinking wine, or even gossiping about our boyfriends! hahaha.

Last but not least! The Real Jamboola's! These guys have a long long history! haha.. i've known them before they started dating, until they dated.. and NOW they're MARRIED! hahaha.. Miss you guys so mucho!! (><) ( this is a picture of the married couple. i got heaps where they werent married yet.. and he was more reserved and less crazy. LoL!!!) Anyway, this is just a few sides of the world which i live in. Not great, proli mediocre, but I love it! hahahahaha... Well we all have our ups and downs right! I'll write more, now.. i betta do my friggin assignment! *sigh* - NiteyNight

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Warm Chicken and Mushroom Steamed Buns


1 chicken breast
1 small bowl of mushroom
1 tsp grated ginger
1 tsp garlic
half a cup of shrimp
2 stalks of spring onion

sautee ginger and garlic till fragrant add in mushroom add in chicken, shrimp season to taste

Dough add flour, yeast, sugar and water together, mix until it doesnt stick to the bowl anymore. once that's done, add in the margerine until thoroughly mixed. i suggest using your hands, if you dont have a bread maker)

500 g flour
1 sachet of yeast
50 g sugar
300 ml cold water
40 g margerine

Leave the dough for 25 mins until it rises, then take little portions of it (about 40 g in weight) and fill with the sauteed chicken. put it to rest on a baking paper (about 10 minutes), mean while set up the steamer. Then, add in your filled buns into the steamer and steam for 15 minutes. usually it'll double its original size :). NOTE: Make sure that the water is boiling before you start cooking (like the picture here :P).

Friday, June 02, 2006


Welcome to Lolita's Kitchen. Ok, this is just a test run of putting on pictures. hehehehehe.. but, this place will be filled with tonns of tutorials on how to do a lot of things. hm.. should be heaps of fun !

This is a picture of "Hyde" from L'arc en Ciel, which means rainbow in french. Good band. I love them to bits.
But since i'm in exam periods, i cant really update very much, so i will try to start updating it with something.

Nice to see you all.. i hope this blog goes underway very soon! :)