Thursday, October 19, 2006


paling sedih deh klo misalnya kita udah kerja keras buat sesuatu, udah peres keringet dan banyak tidur yg ngak tenang.. eh terus.. ternyata hasil itu mengecewakan. males banget yakh.. gua barusan kae gini nih... pokoknya singkat cerita gua mo ada presentation, terus gua udah work hard banget banget banget, latian setiap hari.. terus.. hasil yg gua dapet itu ngak sebanding sama usaha gua. hm.. bete juga! Hikx Hikx Hikx.. mgkn lain kali ngak usah usaha aja dah.. biar gak usah kecewa.


Anonymous said...

What if you don't try, and later on found out that you could've hit the jackpot if you had tried? Effort you can always reproduce, heartaches you can always recover from by time, but chances only happen once.

Anonymous said...

What if you don't try, and later on found out that you could've hit the jackpot if you had tried? Effort you can always reproduce, heartaches you can always recover from by time, but chances only happen once.