Monday, June 18, 2007

My dad and The Hair Dryer

Bokap gua emang suka banget nyeletuk aneh2 yg tentang apa aja yg bersangkut paut dengan kerapihan.

Contohnya, klo dia liat handuk gua berkeliaran dimana2, dia bakalan bilang "En (alias Angie), gantung tu handuk lu diluar biar ngak bau!"

Kadang2, dia bilang "En, cuci piring lu habis makan! Jangan suru org lain melulu cuciin buat elu!"

Ataw - "En, bantu2 bersih2 rumah, jgn pergi melulu lu kerjanya"

This time, dia liat hair dryer tergeletak di kamar mandi abis gua pake. Dy bilang:

"En, itu rapihin TIUP RAMBUT sebelom lu pergi, jgn suruh si Irene yg betulin lagi"

L O L!

L O L!

L O L!

L O L!

L O L!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Kiwifrut monster

How big can you get?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

hey'all..just quickly.. this postdoc from our lab was talking about calling about a website that allows you to ring locally and internationally for free. It's called - I havent tried it, but she said it's really good. No Downloads, no headsets, and its free. But it's not free if you dont sign up but you can try it out for 5 minutes before they cut you off. If you sign up, you get 150 minutes/week and watch some scrolling ads.. hehe.. Every country is different tho..

OK, talk to u l8r, i gotta run.. got lab meeting. ciao

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Nastar - Pineapple Tarts

Ahh.. its weekends.. sorry for being on hiatus for almost a month, I just don't have the time to update as much as I used to. Basically, when I'm working, I have to wake up at 6 in the morning everyday right, and I have to leave the house by 7 to catch my bus at 7.15am. Then, I finish work at 4.30 and if I go home with GB, I'll have to wait till 9 o'clock because he's doing his masters thesis right now. If I go home by bus straight away, I'll get home by 6 o'clock. So when i get home, I take a shower and have dinner, then prepare lunch for the next day..and get ready to . SLEEP. XD. That explains why I haven't been able to update much in here. Anyway.. I love weekends. I just love weekends, the only time I get to hang out with friends or do whatever. Now that I'm working, I truly feel the need for weekends. Seriously, I just find it so relaxing to do household chores like cleaning and baking especially. Do you guys know that have not got the time to bake! I have not baked for 1 month!! This weekend, I wasnt going out anywher.. so I baked nastar (Pinapple Tarts) at 10 o'clock at night.. it took a long time, i finished baking by 2 o'clock in the morning! But it's all worth the efforts!! You know, this nastar melts in your mouth the moment you put it in your mouth! GYAA!!

Ok, for those who are keen to try.. here is the recipe:

For the pastry:

  • 250 g anchor butter at room temperature
  • 1 tablespoon of margarine
  • 300 g of plain flour
  • 1.5 tablespoon of cornflour
  • 1.5 tablespoon of tapioca
  • 3 egg yolks
    • sift flour, cornflour and tapioca together
    • whisk butter and margarine until light and creamy with the colour of light yellow at medium speed
    • add egg yolks one by one until incorporated again at medium speed.
    • Then, add the flour mixture by sifting again into the egg and butter mixture
    • It's really important that you avoid using your hands as much as possible because this will cause the dough to melt and the cookie will become very hard. So at this stage, use your spatula
    • Once the mixture is all incorporated, put it in the fridge for 30 minutes
For the pineapple filling: (prepare this first)
  • 1 440g can of crushed pineapple in natural juices (Okay, normally ppl suggest using shredded pineapple, but honestly, I just don't give a flying donkey's ass about this. But this crushed pineapple works really well), Oh, drain the juice of course ^^
  • 50 g sugar (can add more if you like sweet)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of clover
    • After draining the pinapple juice, put it in a pan with sugar, cinnamon and clover. Then, boil it until the rest of the juice thickens up and becomes a dry thick paste.
    • Put this in the fridge until cool
    • Take it out and then make small balls out of this for easy assembly of the tart
    • leave aside
For assembly:
  • Take 1 teaspoon full of chilled dough and form it into a ball using the tips of your teaspoon
  • Then, cut out a small plastic sheet and place your dough there. Quickly fill the dough with the pineapple filling that you've already formed into small balls.
  • Place onto baking sheets
  • Repeat until dough is finished
  • Brush with eggs (1 egg and whisk until incorporated)
  • Bake in preheated oven (170C) until golden brown (not burnt)
Hm.. I think I might end up giving them away..cuz.. I dont have the guts to eat them. hahahaha.. they're quite full of butter. >.> So, I think this is a good gift for someone. Okay, so I'm gonna get ready, I'm going out tonight! Catch you guys later.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Wisdom Teeth

udah ada yg pernah operasi wisdom teeth ngak? (Anybody had their wisdom teeth taken out?)

Kaenya, guwa harus operasi nih..

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

First day in my first job - mice glorious mice

Hello guys, as I promised, I will write a small review of my first day experience in my first job. Honestly, although I was a little nervous, I was quite excited to start my life as an employee - you know, all the early mornings (which I am proud to admit I have not had for a while), getting ready and having proper breakfast instead of having brunch (and the list goes on - however, I know one day it'll get boring, but till then :) :) :) ).

Okay, so I slept at 10 pm last night after having dinner with GB at this Japanese Restaurant. I tried sleeping, but I had too much adrenalin to start the next day. I couldn't sleep at all! I kept on waking up every now and then and finally my alarm got off at 6 am. I jumped out of bed, took a nice warm shower in a chilly autumn morning, had breakfast and got dressed - I still had an unusual 30 minutes before the bus arrival at 7.15 am.

Okay, so I got on the bus, got off at 8 am - where I was suppose to commence my day at 8.30 am. I got a spare 30 minutes, so I walked around and exercised a little bit. By then, I was introduced straight away to the lab technician who was going to train me and get me up to scratch with my duties as a research assistant.

She and my boss went through the list and said that I would be mainly incharge of the mice colonies, mice breeding system, mice culling (a softer word for putting down) and mice blood collecting. (*shriekkk*) My hands were getting cold and I got goosebumps just imagining it. Then, they took me up to the animal house, where they keep the mice in boxes in a plastic tent - seriously, it looked lyk a quarantine place. Just to get in, we had to change our clothes to surgical type clothes and wear hair net and foot covers.

Next, I had to weigh the mice *SHRIEK*, I have never ever ever ever touched a mouse in my life before. We were supposed to hold it by the tail - I couldnt get my hands to touch it, but I did my best. The first time round I felt so scared I screamed when I touched one mouse. Oh, i forgot, these mice are imported from the US - some are genetically modified and they're BLACK some are BROWN and most are surprisingly very cute. I cant imagine putting them down one day - I'll be so sad. So yeah, I finally built up the courage to hold the tail of more than 20 mice today. There will be more mice handling to come. The rest of the day was basically just some paper work and administration.

So this is an interesting start. I better get to sleep, I gotta wake up early tomorrow - lets not dream about black mice *shriek*

Monday, April 09, 2007

Last day as a bum

There are exactly 26 more official hours of me being a bum. I will start my new job this wednesday. I honestly feel a little daunted: what if I do the tasks wrong, what if I get in trouble with my boss, what if my boss is not nice, what if the colleagues aren't nice, what if I can't do the jobs that I said I could. Aaaa.. it's really scary >.<.. Anyway, I will inform you guys of my first day at my new job when the day comes, mean while, wish me luckk ^^.

Friday, March 30, 2007


He'all!.. good news, I just got a job as a laboratory technician in one of the groups in the University that researches on Obesity!! Anyway... Thanks God gwa udah dapet kerja...Thanks to you guys for encouragement and support and words of wisdom. Aghh.. finally guwa dapet kerja!!!! YAY!